January 31, 2025
Ooh, this is going to be fun. We will start by taking our everyday objects, learn some basic comp osition techniques, arrange and rearrange our personal items, take pictures for a multitude of possibilities, then begin to learn a few tips to not go so much toward Detail as Suggestion ! Join us.......this month long, 4 week session, starts this coming week. There's no one way to create abstraction, but rather multiple approaches. We will cover these so each artist can experiment with the approach that fits their painting goals. As for January, per usual, we focussed on Color Theory . This time we chose quite unusual and limited palettes with a "wild child" for mixing unique and sometimes uncomfortable, or at least unfamiliar color harmonies. The results were fascinating and we each grew out of our comfort zone a bit, and some. This year, another new thing I am throwing into the mix, is a Skill Building prompt for those artists who wish to expand their skills beyond ...